Sign-up for our loyalty program and earn points based on each dollar spent with Green Leaf Central. You can redeem points for discounts and more! For every $1 you spend, you will earn 1 point. We also send out special surveys for extra points!
How To View Your Points
You can access your wallet anytime by logging in here. In your wallet, you can view your points and access exclusive discounts. You can also ask one of our bud tenders any time you come in for how many you have.
How To Sign Up
Signing up is easy! You can do this by placing an online order and providing your mobile phone number or by signing up on our website/ through our signup form here. If you think you are already signed up you can check your account here.
How To Spend Your Points
Next time you come in, ask your bud tender to use your points towards your purchase. Use 125 points for $5 off, 250 points for $10 or save and and use 1,000 points for $50 off!